代写MIPS Processor作业、代做C/C++语言作业、代写NYUClasses作业、C/C++程序设计作业代做
Lab 1: Pipeline MIPS ProcessorReleased: Oct 9th 2018Due: Nov 5th 2018 Midnight [Instructions on how to upload your code to NYUClasseswill be provided in a separate document]This lab is to be performed individually. We will carefully monitor all submissionsfor plagiarism and any instance of plagiarism will be reported to administration.In this Lab assignment, you will implement an cycle-accurate simulator for a 5-stage pipelinedMIPS processor in C++. The simulator supports a subset of the MIPS instruction set and shouldmodel the execution of each instruction with cycle accuracy.The MIPS program is provided to the simulator as a text file “imem.txt” file which is used toinitialize the Instruction Memory. Each line of the file corresponds to a Byte stored in theInstruction Memory in binary format, with the first line at address 0, the next line at address 1and so on. Four contiguous lines correspond to a whole instruction. Note that the words storedin memory are in “Big-Endian” format, meaning that the most significant byte is stored first.The Data Memory is initialized using the “dmem.txt” file. The format of the stored words is thesame as the Instruction Memory. As with the instruction memory, the data memory addressesalso begin at 0 and increment by one in each line.The instructions that the simulator supports and their encodings are shown in Table 1. Note thatall instructions, except for “halt”, exist in the MIPS ISA. The MIPS Green Sheet defines thesemantics of each instruction.Instruction Format OpCode (hex) Funct. (hex)Addu R-Type (ALU) 00 21Subu R-Type (ALU) 00 23Lw I-Type (Memory) 23 -Sw I-Type (Memory) 2B -Beq I-Type (Control) 04 -Halt Custom instruction FFSpecial Note about Beq Instruction:For the purposes of this lab only, we will assume that the beq (branch-if-qual) instructionoperates like a bne (branch-if-not-equal) instruction. In other words, in your implementations youwill assume that the beq jumps to the branch address if and jumps to PC+4otherwise, i.e., if.(Note that a real beq instruction would operate in the opposite fashion, that is, it will jump to thebranch address if and to PC+4 otherwise. The reason we had to make thismodification for this lab is because to implement loops we actually need the bne instruction.)Pipeline StructureYour MIPS pipeline has the following 5 stages:1. Fetch (IF): fetches an instruction from instruction memory. Updates PC.2. Decode (ID/RF): reads from the register RF and generates control signals required insubsequent stages. In addition, branches are resolved in this stage by checking for thebranch condition and computing the effective address.3. Execute (EX): performs an ALU operation.4. Memory (MEM): loads or stores a 32-bit word from data memory.5. Writeback (WB): writes back data to the RF.Your simulator can make use of the same RF, IMEM and DMEM classes that you used forLab0. Complete implementations of these classes are provided for you in the skeleton code.Note that we have not defined an ALU class since, for this lab, the ALU is simple and onlyneeds to perform adds and subtracts.Each pipeline stages takes inputs from flip-flops. The input flip-flops for each pipeline stage aredescribed in the tables below.IF Stage Input Flip-FlopsFlip-Flop Name Bit-width FunctionalityPC 32 Current value of PCnop 1 If set, IF stage performs a nopID/RF Stage Input Flip-FlopsFlip-Flop Name Bit-width FunctionalityInstr 32 32-bit instruction read from IMEMnop 1 If set, ID/RF stage performs a nopEX Stage Input Flip-FlopsFlip-Flop Name Bit-width FunctionalityRead_data1, Read_data2 32 32-bit data values read from RFImm 16 16-bit immediate for I-Typeinstructions. Don’t care for R-typeinstructionsRs, Rt 5 Addresses of source registers rs, rt.Note that these are defined for bothR-type and I-type instructionsWrt_reg_addr 5 Address of the instruction’sdestination register. Don’t care if theinstruction does not update RFalu_op 1 Set for addu, lw, sw; unset for subuis_I_type 1 Set if the instruction is an i-typeinstructionwrt_enable 1 Set if the instruction updates RFrd_mem, wrt_mem 1 rd_mem is set for lw instruction andwrt_mem for sw instructionsnop 1 If set, EX stage performs a nopMEM Stage Input Flip-FlopsFlip-Flop Name Bit-width FunctionalityALUresult 32 32-bit ALU result. Don’t care for beqinstructionsStore_data 32 32-bit value to be stored in DMEMfor sw instruction. Don’t careotherwiseRs, Rt 5 Addresses of source registers rs, rt.Note that these are defined for bothR-type and I-type instructionsWrt_reg_addr 5 Address of the instruction’sdestination register. Don’t care if theinstruction does not update RFwrt_enable 1 Set if the instruction updates RFrd_mem, wrt_mem 1 rd_mem is set for lw instruction andwrt_mem for sw instructionsnop 1 If set, MEM stage performs a nopWB Stage Input Flip-FlopsFlip-Flop Name Bit-width FunctionalityWrt_data 32 32-bit data to be written back to RF.Don’t care for sw and beq instructionsRs, Rt 5 Addresses of source registers rs, rt.Note that these are defined for bothR-type and I-type instructionsWrt_reg_addr 5 Address of the instruction’sdestination register. Don’t care if theinstruction does not update RFwrt_enable 1 Set if the instruction updates RFnop 1 If set, MEM stage performs a nopDealing with HazardsYour processor must deal with two types of hazards.1. RAW Hazards: RAW hazards are dealt with using either only forwarding (if possible) or,if not, using stalling + forwarding. You must follow the mechanisms described in Lecture6 to deal RAW hazards.2. Control Flow Hazards: You will assume that branch conditions are resolved in theID/RF stage of the pipeline. Your processor deals with beq instructions as follows:a. Branches are always assumed to be NOT TAKEN. That is, when a beq is fetchedin the IF stage, the PC is speculatively updated as PC+4.b. Branch conditions are resolved in the ID/RF stage. To make your life easier,will ensure that every beq instruction has no RAW dependency with itsprevious two instructions. In other words, you do NOT have to deal withRAW hazards for branches!c. Two operations are performed in the ID/RF stage: (i) Read_data1 andRead_data2 are compared to determine the branch outcome; (ii) the effectivebranch address is computed.d. If the branch is NOT TAKEN, execution proceeds normally. However, if thebranch is TAKEN, the speculatively fetched instruction from PC+4 is quashed inits ID/RF stage using the nop bit and the next instruction is fetched from theeffective branch address. Execution now proceeds normally.The nop bitThe nop bit for any stage indicates whether it is performing a valid operation in the current clockcycle. The nop bit for the IF stage is initialized to 0 and for all other stages is initialized to 1.(This is because in the first clock cycle, only the IF stage performs a valid operation.)In the absence of hazards,, the value of the nop bit for a stage in the current clock cycle is equalto the nop bit of the prior stage in the previous clock cycle.However, the nop bit is also used to implement stall that result from a RAW hazard or to quashspeculatively fetched instructions if the branch condition evaluates to TAKEN. See Lecture 6slides for more details on implementing stalls and quashing instructions.The HALT InstructionThe halt instruction is a “custom” instruction we introduced so you know when to stop thesimulation. When a HALT instruction is fetched in IF stage at cycle N, the nop bit of the IF stagein the next clock cycle (cycle N+1) is set to 1 and subsequently stays at 1. The nop bit of theID/RF stage is set to 1 in cycle N+1 and subsequently stays at 1. The nop bit of the EX stage isset to 1 in cycle N+2 and subsequently stays at 1. The nop bit of the MEM stage is set to 1 incycle N+3 and subsequently stays at 1. The nop bit of the WB stage is set to 1 in cycle N+4 andsubsequently stays at 1.At the end of each clock cycle the simulator checks to see if the nop bit of each stage is 1. If so,the simulation halts. Note that this logic is already implemented in the skeleton code provided toyou.What to OutputYour simulator will output the values of all flip-flops at the end of each clock cycle. Further, whenthe simulation terminates, the simulator also outputs the state of the RF and Dmem. Theskeleton code already prints out everything that your simulator needs to output. Do not modifythis code.Testbenches and GradingTest inputs for your simulator are in the form of “imem.txt” and “dmem.txt” files, and theexpected outputs are in the form of “RFresult.txt”, “dmemresult.txt” and “stateresult.txt” files.To assist you in checking your code, we will provide sample input and output files to you.However, your code will be graded on our own test inputs.You are encouraged to develop your code in steps. A rough time frame for how long each stepwould take is given below.1. Step 1: your simulator should be able to handle addu, subu, lw and sw instructionswithout any RAW hazards. (1 Week)2. Step 2: in addition, your simulator should be able to handle addu, subu, lw and swinstructions with RAW hazards. (1 Week)3. Step 3: finally, enhance your simulator to handle beq instructions.The grading scheme that we will use to test your code is:● Code compiles and executes without crashing on all test inputs [10 Points]● Code handles inputs with only addu, subu, lw and sw instructions without any RAWhazards [30 Points]● Code handles inputs with only addu, subu, lw and sw instructions with RAW hazards. [30Points]http://www.6daixie.com/contents/13/2096.html● Code handles all test inputs including those with beq instructions. [30 Points]
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